

Who is Tommy Midnight? Indeed a good question. We can tell you who he is. As many times in life, in this case things developed by chance. We first met Tommy when he was driving his fellows «tomorrows tulips» during their European tour. Once they had arrived at the venue - after having loaded out their gear - we had a drink and talked a bit. Then there was Tommy. Imagine a tall guy in his forties, who has been riding waves with his surfboard eversince. Somwhere in California he?s working in a guitar store and dedicates himself to his passions - music and surfing. After a first glass, Tommy told me that he?s the driver. And occasionally, if there wasn?t a support band he would open for Tommorows Tulips. And so it happened. It was an outside show in Rorschach, Switzerland, in front of the church. His performance was just voice and guitar - great in its simplicity. And when Tommy started to sing «Highway 39», I immediately knew that it needed to get caught on vinyl. With his songs and appearance Tommy somehow catches a certain quality I like to associate with America. «Highway 39» is about California, being on the road when the «painted ladies» are out. And as Tommy sings: «Summer nights with the radio on, sitting in the backseat singing all my favorite songs» you'll cruise down that particular road in mind passing palm trees and feeling pure «parking lot romance». Knowing that there on Highway 39 «everybody looks so divine. tonight»! - La Suisse Primitive Records

Titel: Highway 39
Stil: Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent
Best-Nr.: LSP-008
Typ: 7 inch (Single)
Preis: 10.- CHF

Tommy Midnight  - Highway 39

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Highway 39
You're So Pretty

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